Thursday, April 7, 2011

Men's Volleyball Logo - Color

Okay, I was in the computer lab this afternoon working on the CMU Men's Club Volleyball logo, but I ran out of time and head to go to class before I could completely finish. I would still like to play around with some coloring options, and a few technical tweaks need to be made in the design (I won't get into that stuff, it should be an easy enough fix).

So I worked with my different layers, created a few necessary shapes and actually moved a few lines around (barely noticeable from the prime design). I quickly just filled in the patches with the proper maroon color to see what it would look like with a solid color. I will play around more with maroon and white patches, and even with maroon, gold and white patches. I don't want to add any type to this logo yet, just have the design set. I will also be adding the gold drop shadow of the ball, too. That's something I still need to bring over from the Flying C.

And as good as it looks now, I am sure that after the finishing touches, it will look AWESOOOOOOME.


Danny B said...

this will be your legacy... this is going to look amazing.

hws said...

Awesome is right!!!