I stuck around for the entire class again (which amazes me every time), and got about one and a half postcards finished. Unfortunately, I forgot to save an image of the first postcard while I was in the lab, and I cannot show that one to you now. Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm playing with tennis puns a lot.
I put a really solid dent into my identity guide today, mostly outside of class time. That's right, I spent roughly two hours this afternoon in the computer lab. I did a lot of the brute work done, such as the Appropriate Uses page. I still want to edit what my mission statement and history are. They aren't quite as clever as they could be, and if anything those need to be the most clever (and most pun-filled).
First up is a teaser of the Appropriate Uses page. It is the second of two pages, and shows off the secondary designs, because you have already seen the primary.

If you recall, red is the primary logo color. Secondary colors as blue, yellow, green, and purple. Why am I explaining this here? Read it on the page for yourself.
Want to get an idea of what the guide looks like when you open it up and see a spread? Then I present to you the least exciting of pages: the colors and typography!

Now you know exactly what colors and fonts I used in the logos! The line on the bottom of the pages used to be red, but I thought that was too dominating and really uncomfortable. The switch is to the same blue that appears on the covers. It's more subdued and feels more natural. I'm trying different things in this guide, too, hoping that it is a little more distinguishable from my last one. However, there are many similarities between the two, and it will be super obvious that the same person designed them.
So what's left to do after the identity guide? The other postcard and a half, the poster, and my three dimensional packaging. I proposed a tennis ball can as my object, which my professor confirmed fits the criteria for what we need to design, then me shot some ideas back and forth about a different way I could possible package any number of tennis balls. I still like the easy idea of slapping a new label on a pre-existing can.
I put more than five hours of work into this project today, and fully expect to put about another two hours in tomorrow, and at least three more in on Wednesday. I really hope to get as much done as I can by Wednesday night so I can coast through this weekend and have everything printed before Monday.
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