Clocked in about two hours of lab time today, and I still have $0.60 left on my printing budget. What should I do with all of that? Whatever. I also bought a can of tennis balls for my three-dimensional piece. I guess that can is where I will begin.

Here is the label as it looks before I printed it out and attached it to the can.
The label on the can...
And a nice little logo placement on the top of the cap. I found a great, cheap can of Penn balls, and the red cap really helps with my color choice. I think you can see the little window that I cut out of the label, too. That was an afterthought, really. I noticed that a lot of the cans has the transparent plastic for their labels, but that material was not available to me, and I don't think the printers have the capability to print on transparencies.
And I know what you have really been waiting for: the poster. (I realized this may be a gigantic size...)

Yup, the puns were rolling deep. Balls deep. Wow, that was a metapun. I'm on fire today. On an unrelated note, my puns were on fire last night regarding a certain Crayola Crayon joke that ended with me saying "That gives a whole new meaning to 'Tickle Me Pink.'"
Now you've seen the parts of the identity guide, the postcards, the poster, and the three-dimensional piece of packaging. That's pretty good. All that is left to see is the full identity guide. That will be the last installment of this project, and the series of me posting all of my logo designs to the blog.
Are you allowed to pun this much? While it's funny, I wonder what your prof will think....
Oh, my professor truly enjoyed the puns. he said his favorite was "Drop a deuce." The class seemed to enjoy the humor, too.
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