I put the finishing touches on my identity guide this morning and printed that out (a whopping $5.12 worth of printing...), but I was unable to bind it because that certain lab was locked. You've seen parts of the identity guide already, so I will save the rest of that stuff to show off in a later post.
The other items I completed this morning were my postcards! I put the finishing touches on the two I had already worked on, and did the third all this morning. While sitting and listening to reports in my sports writing class last night, I made some sketches of postcard ideas, and I carried the best one into class this morning.
To get us started, here is the first postcard:

This postcard is for a cleverly labeled "doubles sale," where you can buy one item and get one free! A connection I doubt people will get is that the portion of the court I'm showing is doubles alley. I really like the colors.

This next postcard is also quite clever, and believe me, the puns don't end here. The design of the tennis racket is really basic, and I probably should have put more effort into this one, but I didn't find a better color to use in this situation than black.

This one is definitely my favorite postcard. Prices so low, you'll drop a deuce! I love the vibrant orange used, and the simple net design adds a piece of visual interest. You should also notice that I have used some of the secondary colors in the logo for these postcards. I would show you the backside of the postcards, but those are honestly the least interesting part of this entire project.
So what is left to work on? My poster is a work in progress now. I drew up some sketches for that in class last night, too. Trust me, the puns keep coming. I did some Photoshop work today to add a really appropriate image to poster, and you will see yet another use of a secondary color in the logo. It's so versatile!
I will also be working on a new label to put on a tennis ball can. Still brainstorming a bit on that one, but it is going to be pretty basic, but colorful. Maybe I could do two or three different cans... Maybe not. I've spent over $20 on printing this semester alone.
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