Friday, August 12, 2011

Get out of my dreams

And into my car.

We had an easy drive today, from (oh shit, where were we?) Haymarket, Va., to Clemmons, N.C. Left at 8, got here after 2. One of the shorter drives this summer.

I spent most of my time in the truck playing Chrono Trigger, because that game is awesome. I was upset that I forgot certain things in the game, and I accidentally ate the old man's lunch. That means I was found guilty in court for kidnapping the princess (because it shows I have poor morals, apparently).

I also tried to doze off a few times, but I would catch myself and wake back up, doing the whole routine of head slowly drops down, then head quickly pops up.

Well, in one of these little snoozes, I immediately went into some dream about playing volleyball. In this dream, I was up at the net and I was about to put down an over-pass. That meaning, the opposing team was sending the ball over unintentionally and I was going to just jump up and pop it straight down.

Well, I guess I was so into this dream that as I was dreaming of playing the ball down, in real life I raised my left arm as if to actually hit it. That was when I woke myself up and stopped my arm about halfway up.

Yeah, I was really about to raise my arm and throw it down.

Luckily, the other folks in the car were asleep too, and nobody noticed it. But I don't understand how I was so tired after sleeping from 10 p.m. - 7 a.m. And I am sleepy now. It's not even 9 o'clock.

1 comment:

Danny B said...

Almost broke my foot once trying to kick a soccer ball in my dream... o volleyball, how I miss thee.