Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm a Super Senior

It hit me yesterday. Finally.

I'm graduating in May. And I have a great job for the summer.

"How did it hit you Tim?" I'm glad you asked.

My alarm went off at 8:33 a.m. (yep, my alarm times always end with a 3, and have for almost a decade), and I turned to quiet it. Hmmm, maybe I should have hit snooze, rested another 10 minutes, jumped in the shower, went to my credit/no credit class, sat there electing not to take any notes for the fifth straight week, came back home, ate breakfast, carried on with my day, etc.

Well, I silenced my alarm. Then in less time it would take to... well, certainly less time it would take to come up with something clever that takes not a whole lot of time, I thought "Screw it," and went back to sleep for another three hours.

That's how it hit me. And it felt great!

When I did get out of bed, I took a shower, shaved, ate some cinnamon rolls, and then went on with my day as it normally would have gone. (Which made me wonder if I should have skipped my next class too...)

Let me be completely honest here. I have done that only one other time in five years. My junior year I elected to sleep in rather than go to my 8 a.m. graphic design class. Yup. It had to be an 8 a.m. But in the past five years I have had four 8 a.m. classes, and the one semester I was up at 7:03 five days a week, I slept in for only one class. Fascinating, isn't it?

Here I am now. These are my final eight weeks. Yeah, I still have papers to write, exams to take, projects to complete; typical student assignments. But, like always, I won't even worry one little bit about any of them.

Maybe I'll sleep through another class, maybe I won't. When the volleyball season ends in two weeks, maybe I'll go out to the bar more. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, maybe I'll walk 9 holes by myself. On Fridays I'll walk 18 with Clark.

Do I need to have a bucket list or do anything wild before my college time is up? I don't think so (but I probably will). I've been overall happy with my time at Central. And I know I will miss it like hell in the fall, when I need to find a grown-up job.

But as my brother would say, that's Future-Tim's problem. And the future doesn't look too bad for him.


Danny B said...

I know I comment of all of these. But I feel like you are writing them for me so there...

Enjoy it, there is plenty of time to be in the real world. I'd give a lot to have the last 8 weeks of college back. Thanks for helping make mine so memorable. Keep up the blogging so I can distract myself from the real world more!

hws said...

Future-Tim can always be Oscar's baby manny-nanny. Please note: it is an unpaid position.

Jeffrey said...

You already know where I stand on Future Tim's employment. Future Jeff will love him more.