Sunday, September 19, 2010

I was in the library earlier today, working on a study guide. I like being at the library, because CMU's Park Library is awesome and the bookshelves move. It's a wonderful environment with little distractions, and I've been going to the corner or the fourth floor to study for big exams for years. I just plop down at a table all to myself by the window, plug in my laptop, crack open a big text book, and go to town.

But that's not all, and that is definitely not what this post is about.

I love to listen to music when I'm at the library, because it puts me in my own little area and nobody else in the library can bother me. I really enjoy music with no lyrics, like Ratatat or Anamanaguchi, because it's less distracting and puts me in a really good mood.

But today I also listened to Sawdust by The Killers. Three years ago I would have told you that CD was "okay," somewhere between Hot Fuss and Sam's Town, because it sounded like both albums (mostly because it contains B-sides from singles released from each CD). I would have said that because it wasn't fast enough, or loud enough, or upbeat enough. I think during that time I had a certain brand of rock that I wanted to listen to, and Sawdust just didn't fit into that mold.

But listening to it today, I really loved it. I can't say that it's grown on me (but it sort of has), but instead I have a greater appreciation for the music. The vocals and lyrics are fun to listen to and sing along with, the rhythm from the guitars and the bass lines are great, and (my favorite part) the drums are awesome to play (pat on my thighs) with.

It's not just Sawdust, but I have a greater appreciation for most music now. I hate to say it, but I think Guitar Hero has a lot to do with it. Rocking out on a plastic guitar was one thing, but when I tried to learn a few chords and riffs on a real guitar, I grew a much greater respect to those who can play the instrument. Along came Rock Band, and flailing my arms behind a plastic drum kit has given me one of my favorite hobbies, but it has also given me rhythm and the skills to recognize that rhythm in any song. I don't actually need a drum kit to play along!

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