Thursday, February 18, 2010

Memory Loss

A tragic winter morning, tears were shed.
I felt a blend of panic and distress.
Confused, I stumbled drunk out of my bed
To see that my whole life was now a mess.
Alone in nothing but my underwear,
I feared that my whole memory was lost.
I wondered what the hell had happened there,
And tried to save my world, but at what cost?
I made a phone call that would scar my pride:
To complex minds who work with the IT.
They told me that my motherboard was fried,
And there was no chance at recovery.
This disaster was nothing that I planned,
A brand new computer will cost a grand!

This sonnet was inspired by the fact that, well, my laptop died. Written in my ENG 392 class, Creative Writing: Poetry, in February 2010. It is an English sonnet, written in iambic pentameter.

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